How To Get Free Internet Connection (Dialup) from your Handphone/Modem?
There are some software that can be used to get free internet connection from your handphone or your modem. By using this tool you can by pass the firewall from your ISP so that you will not be charged.
The following tools can be used:
1. Your Freedom
This is free tools to make tunneling between your connection with the server of your freedom. You must install Java runtime to run this tools.
2. Proxomitron
This tool can be used to filter the http header.
3. HTTP Tunnel
This tool can be used to change the connection from all port into http traffic.
4. Tunnelier
This tool can be used to make tunnel with ssh server.
Just download those tools from internet, use google to find it. After that you can see how to setup those tools in this blog. Just find it in "free internet connection" category.
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